
The Ongoing Push for Pay Equity

The Ongoing Push for Pay Equity

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The Ongoing Push for Pay Equity

Pay equity is a persistent challenge in modern workplaces, with data repeatedly showing that women tend to earn less than men across various industries. Zara Nanu, the CEO of Gapsquare and an advocate for workplace equality, is determined to change this narrative. Utilizing technology and data-driven solutions, Nanu sat down with Kange Kaneene, Vice President of SAP.iO, to discuss their efforts to eliminate the gender pay gap and promote fairness in the workplace.

Nanu's journey to this role is nontraditional, as she candidly admits that she never envisioned herself working with statistical regression models or in tech, recalling how societal expectations seemed to guide her away from tech fields and towards subjects like languages. However, she asserts that “data, tech, and stats are where the money is," urging women to embrace these fields and not be deterred by stereotypical notions that they aren't suitable for women.

One significant factor in the increased awareness around pay equity is the rise of online platforms such as Glassdoor, where people can access and share information about average salaries for different jobs. Nanu highlights this transparency as a catalyst for open dialogues about pay disparities, saying, "People are openly talking...and they disclose everything." This openness and information-sharing are pivotal in advancing the pursuit of pay equality and nurturing a collective desire for change.

Addressing the issue of pay equity is no simple task, and Nanu acknowledges the complexity of the challenge. She poses an essential question: "How can we change the orgs and how can we change the structure?" Her company, Gapsquare, is devoted to this cause, offering tools and methods to facilitate the process of closing the pay gap. She recognizes that larger, more established organizations may find this process more arduous, given their inherent resistance to change.

Nanu's commitment to this cause is not just professional; it's personal. She emphasizes the importance of advocating for pay equity, advising women to use concrete data to negotiate their salaries. Her comment, “If autocorrect corrects your name then we may need to correct your pay,” illustrates her belief that if a simple algorithm can adapt, then so too can organizations in their pay practices.

Ending on a hopeful note, Nanu reflects on her two young daughters and her aspiration for them to work in an environment where pay equity is the norm. With Gapsquare, she wants to “change the world of work,” and her dedication and innovation in tackling this crucial issue demonstrate that she is indeed making significant strides toward that goal.

Through a blend of personal experience, technological innovation, and relentless advocacy, Zara Nanu is pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the quest for pay equity. Her leadership is not only influencing individual companies but shaping a broader cultural shift towards transparency, equality, and fairness in the professional world. Her vision for a future where gender does not dictate pay is not just an inspiring ideal; it's a practical goal that she's actively pursuing with tangible solutions.

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