
Sustainability, Climate, and Equity with Scott Corwin

Sustainability, Climate, and Equity with Scott Corwin

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Sustainability, Climate, and Equity with Scott Corwin

This Saturday, April 22nd is Earth Day, an annual reminder to take care of our planet. In honor of this important day and initiative, Scott Corwin, the US Leader of Sustainability and Climate Change at Deloitte sits down with me for a special episode of Power & Impact

The massive implications of climate change really came together for me last year at the Techonomy Climate Summit. Ever since that event, I’ve been on a personal journey learning about sustainability, climate change, and the importance of protecting our environment.

Scott’s passion for climate science and sustainability shines through in his work. He didn’t stop at just improving Deloitte’s environmental impact, he’s also helped shift the company towards aiding their clients in adopting more sustainable practices!

In our conversation, Scott shares the importance of this moment in curbing climate change, what it will take for us as a society to switch over to green energy, and what progress Deloitte has been able to make in curbing climate change.

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