Join Luminary and Worth for an intimate discussion about how top leaders are navigating the COVID-19 crisis—from managing the stress of leading teams through uncertain times to tackling the challenges of launching new products amidst a pandemic—and why empathy, open communication and transparency are needed now more than ever from the C-suite.

By leveraging a network of CEOs, business leaders and entrepreneurs with different perspectives, this series will tackle how to lead from the top down, how CEOs can handle specific challenges and lessons to be learned—from what to do and what not to do as a leader in specific situations.


The Lonely CEO: How Leaders Are Handling the Stress of New Transitions—Session 1 Tuesday, June 16,  3 p.m. ET/ 12 pm PT 

With special guests: Beatrice Dixon, Cofounder & CEO of The Honey Pot Company, Mindy Grossman, CEO of WW International (formerly Weight Watchers) and Sarah LaFleur, Founder & CEO of M.M.LaFleur

Moderated by: Cate Luzio, Founder & CEO of Luminary, and Juliet Scott-Croxford, CEO of Worth 


Watch full recording ‘The Lonely CEO: How Leaders Are Handling the Stress of New Transitions’ from June 16, 2020: