Shelley Goldberg

Shelley Goldberg

“When you work in a macro trading environment, you are on 24/7. You get this adrenaline rush. It’s a powerful role, which is why I think it attracts that type-A alpha male. But these kinds of roles don’t require any kind of specific thinking that men have. In fact, there have been studies about women traders actually being better traders. Women think more holistically; they think about big picture and are not so driven by taking a risk. So I think when you measure women versus men, women are more disciplined in terms of risk taking.”

How to do better: “It’s the role of everyone—and in the best interest of everyone—to support and help women to move forward. Women are making perhaps more decisions about spending on a daily basis than men are. This was figured out quite a long time ago, but it hasn’t really saturated into the workplace—not only from a purchasing standpoint, but from a decision-making standpoint.”

—Shelley Goldberg is founder and principal of New York–based Invest-With-Purpose.

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