
Lisette Scott

Lisette Scott

Founder, Jam+Rico, Jam+Rico
Lisette Scott

Lisette Scott is the founder and owner of Jam+Rico, a fashion jewelry and accessories company providing bold, unique and colorful designs. Jam+Rico stands for Jamaica + Puerto Rico, the plus sign symbolizes the depth of the culture of Jam+Rico. Growing up, Lisette was always influenced by her culture. With immigrant grandparents from both islands of Jamaica and Puerto Rico, she was always curious about their upbringing and traditions that were formed from their homeland. The most prominent inspirations were food and music in her home. A little salsa and reggae with a mix of arroz con pollo, pastelles, jerk and curry were favorites and loves within her home. When she traveled to both islands, the fascination and love of her heritage grew even stronger. The colors, carnivals, art, beaches and language all inspired her to create and design. Jam+Rico empowers Lisette to dive deeper into her love of design and the Caribbean, and it brings her closer to a cultural connection with her ancestors.

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